Sunday, July 26, 2009

Im getting my Hair cut tonight..HELP!?

Im getting my hair cut tonight my hair is dark brown, about 2 inches below shoulder and side fringe, i was thinking of going shorter and a full fringe. has anyone else had a radical hair change?

Im getting my Hair cut tonight..HELP!?

depends on your face shape aswell.

if your face shape is round, then go for shorter, with lots of layers bordering your face.

if your face shape is oval then go for an angular bob, which gets longer at the front. its stylish and very celebrity style.

if your face shape is long then get a cut that will add volume to your hair, it will width to your face aswell.

as for the fringe, full fringes are nice, but i would recommend not to do a heavy full fringe, do a slightly lighter fringe.

going shorter is nice for the summer season, and highlights look reallly good on shorter hair aswell.

Im getting my Hair cut tonight..HELP!?

Yes, and I didn't like it, but I should have put more thought into it. But have fun if you are ready for a change. Hair grows out, so if you don't care for the look you got, just be patient. Good luck with the cut.

Im getting my Hair cut tonight..HELP!?

i had a full fringe when i was little.-whatever u think is best. be different i think a full fringe and long hair would be nice but u could go full fringe and layers. coz my friends got it and it looks hot. depends on ur face. whatever u think. hope it looks good (Y)

Im getting my Hair cut tonight..HELP!?

Oh yes, many times!!!

Just go to a really good hairdresser...he will know what hairdo will suit you:-)

Im getting my Hair cut tonight..HELP!?

Be careful with radical changes. If you don't like the result it will take a lot of time to grow it back.

Did you know that there is hairstyle imaging software that will let you see exactly what a haircut looks like on you?


Im getting my Hair cut tonight..HELP!?

l go to a hairdresser that l like her aesthetics so every time l go there l tell her what l like and dislike in haircuts [general things] and then l let her create on my head and do whatever she thinks that it will look better on ME ;o)

so l always get nice and convenient haircuts and l think you should do the same! cause this style that you like you probably saw it on a girl which has different characteristics, shape of face, style, type of hair.. So do whatever fits better on YOU ;o)

Im getting my Hair cut tonight..HELP!?

cool go for it

Im getting my Hair cut tonight..HELP!?

check the links below for beauty tips to:-- * Hairstyle ideas - tips and tricks-

check the links below for beauty tips to:-- * Hairstyle Photo Gallery-

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