Sunday, July 26, 2009

Getting a hair cut soon...?

I have thin hair, it's a little longer than medium right now and an oval shaped face. it's blond (a mix of champagne and platinum). I have never gone to the hairdressers before, so i have no idea what to ask!! (my mom has always cut my hair for me).I was thinking maybe layered, with side bangs? like emma degerstedt (if anyone has heard of her)

Getting a hair cut soon...?

side bangs are in fashion.

Leave your hair medium length.

If you grow your hair out too long, your hair will look stringy because it is thin.

Getting a hair cut soon...?

I think you should cut it short and in layers and leave some side bangs, I think it would look really cute

Getting a hair cut soon...?

It's a good idea to take pictures of what you like, but definitely take pictures of what you DON'T want, too. The latter are almost more important. Ask the stylist too. If he/she doesn't seem helpful, I'd go somewhere else.

And don't be afraid to go back after a few days if you're not in love with what they did. A good stylist will understand and want to help you to be satisfied. Of course, a great stylist will make you look great the first time! But I went to five people before I got the highlights I wanted.

Good luck!

Getting a hair cut soon...?

I would go with layers and side bangs. You really can't go wrong, and I think they look good on everyone. But you can always flip through the magazines while you wait and if you see something you like better, show the hairdresser that. good luck!

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